Monday, November 4, 2013


Rape culture means, and I'm simplifying it here, it's a woman's fault if she's raped. Because she dressed too modestly or too sluttily, because she was too forward or not forward enough, because she was too 'bitchy' or not 'bitchy' enough, because she was too drunk.

And now this is being made: ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Rather than eat away at rape culture, it will give authority figures ANOTHER way to blame rape victims. It will ALSO possibly harm the potential victim. Rape survivors are called survivors for a reason. Some die. Why? Because rape is about power, not sex. These devices will likely cause rapists to get frustrated &/or angry & violent. And these are DEVICES, not comfortable clothing made for you but a protective device made to ATTEMPT to prevent you from being harmed.

And, what message does it send? It's YOUR responsibility, ladies, to protect your sexuality (can't be too close to the whore side of the virgin/ whore dichotomy bc if you're a bad girl no man will ever want to marry you) EVEN IN THE CASE OF RAPE.

It's NOT your job to protect yourself from crimes. If you're mugged or stolen from or killed, NO MATTER WHAT YOU WERE DOING (assuming you're the right color), you aren't blamed, but with rape you are and now here's, not a teaching mechanism in place to teach potential rapists not to rape, but another device for women to protect themselves in case of crime. What the hell?

For any rape victims who read this, I simply want to leave you with this. Much of society will tell you the opposite, but Robin Williams nails it here:

Crime victims, you're a victim. It's not your fault & society shouldn't be told repeatedly that it is.

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