Sunday, November 3, 2013

What label are you?

Starting very young & continuing for a very long time, folks often look for a label to describe what they are. In high school, it's jock, prep, nerd. In the adult world, it's businessperson, redneck, even hipster. 

As a kid, my little brother loved NASCAR. When he joined marching band the summer before 8th grade, he was mocked ceaselessly, often by the older kids, for his 'redneck' interest. Soon after, he lost interest, probably because of the mocking, & that's when I became much more aware of the labels we give one another & give activities.

I'm not sure *what* I am, but I do generally strive to be on the classier side of things. I also try to avoid 'redneck' activities. I actually hate NASCAR, so that's never been a trouble, and when I was young, I found out I also hated tractor pulls (another activity I gave the redneck title to). But, in the intervening years, I found out I enjoy demolition derbies; monster truck rallies (or at least the one I went to that was indoors); &, this weekend, Punkin' Chunkin.

I think it's quite popular in my age range (20s-30s) to like things ironically, but I don't. I just like these things (& don't really understand why or how to like something ironically). Liking these things a) doesn't detract from my definition of classy, & b) doesn't make me a redneck. That said:

1) Who cares if I am a 'redneck'? I know folks who I like who are great, smart people who classify themselves that way.

And 2) Liking a variety of things - some in the redneck category, some in the hipster category, some in the techie category, etc. makes someone an interesting person.

Figuring out why we all operate by labels probably won't ever occur. I'm 31 & just wrote this post since it's something I still struggle with. But I do think recognizing my interest in labels, labelling it (I really do love labels.), & saying it's ok has merit until I figure out to just like what I like & don't what I don't.

In the meantime, Punkin' Chunkin is AMAZING fun & I recommend you all go with good friends to have a wonderful fall time. Caveat: take TP with you & find the good port-o-pots to have the best time. Sure, you may label it as 'rednecky,' but it's still a great time with a lot of cool science & fun pumpkin hurls.

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